Joke of the Week: Best Thing About a Blowjob…


Funnypants Thompson steps up to the mic to deliver his inaugural joke of the week!


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5 Responses

  1. Junktape says:

    I’m an idiot.  I bought a logitech webcam at CostCo because it had this software, but it was NOT the orbit camera.  It was $100 and the orbit is like $120.  Damn.  My camera does the facial tracking, but not very well.  Will sell it and get the other one soon.

  2. junktape says:

    FUNNYPANTS WONT LOAD!!!  Is his file size too big???  Has anyone else been able to watch this?

  3. Eros Welker says:

    Okay, had to make it a public video (which don’t make much sense – the file is only 600K btw):

    The orbit MP is nice, but I don’t like the digital avatars yet because the mouth tracking software isn’t polished. ;( I wanted to have a koala tell this joke, but his mouth don’t move.

  4. junktape says:

    I am a fucking funypants convert—he’s the greatest comic of our time.  I nearly pissed myself.  So glad this is working now!!!

  5. Kip Lubner says:

    Finally!!  Worth the wait!

    Looking for more!!!!!