Monthly Archive: August 2008


I wasn’t sure about Primeval because I was so sick of seeing the preview while suffering through the increasingly irritating Regal First Look. (“We...

The New WB’s Got Buffy

The WB site re-launched with full-length episodes of many of its current and prior shows (like Babylon 5 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer). So...

Godzilla Island

Been waiting for this show to hit American DVD. It’s a television series based on Godzilla, that cashes in on the success of Ultraman....


You know when you’re on vacation, in a hotel room, and there’s local news on with unfamiliar anchors talking about towns you’ve never heard...

Ghost Town Trailer

Hmm. I don’t like David Koepp, but I do LOVE Ricky Gervais… Auto Amazon Links: No products found. (72 items filtered out)