Monthly Archive: July 2008

Watchmen Trailer

I’ve watched this maybe 6 times. That Pumpkins song is snug in my brain now, and forever eradicated from the Batman & Robin soundtrack....

Stormtrooper Jumbo Machinder

Remember those two-foot tall Shogun Warrior toys from the 70s? Remember your old neckless Kenner Stormtrooper figure? Well, they’ve been off making babies, and...

Hamlet 2-

I love Steve Coogan — Snake Baker turned me on to his BBC series, “I’m Alan Partridge,” which comes close to OFFICE status to...

Good Knight

Quite possibly my favorite movie all year (sorry WALL-E). ZOMFG. Auto Amazon Links: No products found. (72 items filtered out)

Star Destroyer Hangar Fight

Fighting games aren’t the same without a basement and Mike, but still, Soul Calibur IV looks pretty cool — and you fight in a...