Monthly Archive: May 2007


Day one of Star Wars Celebration IV — glowing yodas, Yak faces, awkward moments and a whirlwind of cash. No full report just yet...

28 WEAKs Lamer

This is Eros, phoning it in so can’t edit properly. Spoilers abound, so if someone can put the bulk of this into the extended...

Saw 28 Weeks Later

… and loved it. I saw the original, and liked it, but I also remember thinking it was a rather brutal exercise. I was...

no matter what you think of them…..

there’s a major problem here. The whole point of satellite radio is not to be censored. If you haven’t heard already: and just...

Campbell Does Le Bon

When the hell does “They Call Me Bruce” come out!? Cannot wait for that!! Auto Amazon Links: No products found. (72 items filtered out)