Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things
When I was around 7 years old, my aunt and uncle were baby-sitting my sister and I… there was a late night horror movie...
When I was around 7 years old, my aunt and uncle were baby-sitting my sister and I… there was a late night horror movie...
This year, I couldn’t deal with putting every little film in order… So what I’ve gone and done is broken each film down into...
Indy IV May ’08. Check out Cinematical for the full story. And read the official story over at! And again, hope you all...
According to, Val Kilmer is returning to one of his early comedic roles for a sequel to 1985’s Real Genius. In the original...
I had this DVD on my shelf for awhile and finally popped it in. Wanted to see it because Joon-ho Bong directed “Memories of...
So something I’ve been playing with, now that I’ve got my head on straight, is photo galleries. Imagine a world where you could just...
Just when you thought it was safe to come back to Sundance, Crispin Hellion Glover returns with the second installment of a trilogy that...
Technically, this isn’t a silent retelling of the Star Wars saga as there are sequences out of order… yet I liked it enough, and...
Our friends at Probot Productions have made probably the greatest action figure film of all time. This is a must watch, and if you...
I am not a fan of the first Fantastic Four; I’d say the original Corman movie has more heart, though Jessica Alba is a...
So Peter Jackson gears up on his Napoleonic Wars meets Smaug endeavor, the adaptation of the Temeraire series of books, but interestingly enough, dragons...
I don’t know who the dwarf in the middle is… I hope that’s Gore Verbinski, cause that’d be awesome. Auto Amazon Links: No products...
In his new Pantheon book, “Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business,” Mamet doesn’t mention many of Hollywood’s...
IGN — Filmmaker Robert Zemeckis is bringing his live-action/CG adaptation of the classic Beowulf tale to the big screen in three dimensions. A story...
James talks to IGN about Avatar… “Avatar is a very ambitious sci-fi movie,” said filmmaker James Cameron. “It’s a futuristic tale set on a...
Check out THIS ILM site dedicated to the visual effects of Dead Man’s Chest. Auto Amazon Links: No products found. (72 items filtered out)
Has he gone too far? This bit once got Thompson banned from Budapest. Auto Amazon Links: No products found. (72 items filtered out)
I haven’t been made to feel this giddy from a trailer like THIS in a long time! Auto Amazon Links: No products found. (72...
And quite possibly Anthonis’ as well. They’re big fans of high quality productions, and this one’s told entirely through the perspective of hidden surveillance...